We finished the hallway upgrade today with the last piece of baseboard. Thanks to my youngest offspring I can post a few pictures of the work.
Here's the rug and padding in the process of removal. The carpet was OK many years ago, but with time and changing tastes, it was past time for it to go.
Here's the hallway after removing the carpet, padding and the tile under that. The concrete under all that wasn't in too bad of shape (no big cracks like in the living room) so I decided to lay the laminate over a layer of plastic sheeting right on the sub-floor.
Here's the hallway with the painted walls (almost a pale mint green) and the laminate laid down. The plastic under-layer can be seen at the edge and was trimmed off or laid behind the baseboard. In this picture I haven't put down the transition piece between the rug and flooring. It looks good for the master room but the rug for the other bedroom buckled a bit and I couldn't get it just right.
And finally the finished project. Actually there are just a few tiny gaps in the floor and floorboard areas that need to be filled with the wood putty stuff, but for the most part everything is done. Wall hangings or pictures will come latter; the spouse is deciding what to keep and what to replace.
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