Saturday, March 7, 2009

More life changes

Found out a couple of months ago that my middle daughter is pregnant. She's 26 now so age was not a factor for shock. She had a live-in boyfriend of about a year and I had no idea they were that serious. He's a great guy and all but at the time they weren't married or even engaged. I guess I'm just old school that way, but I think people should be married before starting a family. But I harbor no ill will to either of them (or anybody else) for living the way they see fit. Anyway, I'll be a grandpa for the first time. Woohoo.
And then yesterday my daughter and her boyfriend made it legal. I think they did it for healthcare reasons and not because her parents wanted her to. Fun day and I met the groom's father for the first time. Very nice guy, smart and funny too. He's in IT at the company he works for and loves his job based on his leisure reading material. He's married to a very cool woman who's also smart, funny and a teacher (just like my daughter). And like me, she loves her hard science fiction.
Hard to believe it's been over 6 months since the last post, but there it is. I finished the living room and will be giving a blow by blow account sometime soon (with pictures).

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